Today lets talk about lower back pain.
Lower back pain can be caused by many things. As a remedial massage therapist firstly i would perform some orthopaedic tests to find out where the lower back pain is coming from. How am i going to help this body heal from this pain?
Piriformis Syndrome is you sciatic nerve getting irritated by your Piriformis muscle deep in your Gluteal muscles (buttocks) It can cause pain, numbness, tingling & shooting pain sensations in your Glutes, hips, lower back, & down the legs. Causes include, sitting for long periods, trauma like a car accident, overuse of muscles like too much running, or your Glute muscles wasting away. Remedial massage will release that Piriformis and surrounding muscles, getting it to stop impinging your sciatic nerve. Thus getting rid of all that pain!

Tight Quadratus Lumborum will give you back pain! It is caused by sitting for long periods of time (Sedentary jobs) Poor posture, Weak muscles surrounding your QL. If your back and pelvis are weak then your QL has to work harder to support it. Thus being overworked and tight, giving you lower back pain. It is also caused from trauma like a car accident. Remedial massage will release your Quadratus Lumborum allowing your body to heal itself.

Psoas muscle syndrome, lower back pain is the most common symptom. Other symptoms include difficulty/pain when trying to stand in a fully upright position. Radiation of pain down the leg.
Anyone can get Psoas Syndrome, but mainly athletes, runners, people using plyometric exercises (a lot Jumping exercises.) Your Psoas will often need released by a Remedial massage therapist, stretched and strengthened.

When you injure your Hamstring, your body heals itself leaving scar tissue that shortens the fibres of the muscle and limits range of motion. You can hold onto that shortened muscle subconsciously, trying not to injure it again. This all can give you referred pain in your lower back. So you need Remedial massage to create length back into your Hamstring breaking up any scar tissue, and your back pain will go. If you don't do this your back pain can stay with you for years to come.
